My BBC Master


Watford Electronics - QuestPaint & Wapping Editor
July 2020

Watford Electronics (W.E.) is well known in the Acorn world.
For the BBC series they created a lot of utilities/ROMS.

There are two programs that I really like. These are Quest Paint and Wapping Editor.
Both programs are (in my opinion) an answer to the AMX mouse products.
Quest Paint is a mouse driven graphic drawing program in graphic MODE 1 and Wapping Editor is a DTP program.
Both programs came out on a super ROM (a 32k ROM that would fit in a 16k socket), see image on the right.

The biggest advantage, for me that is, is that both Quest Paint and Wapping Editor (compared to the AMX Art and AMX Stop Press) is that it is full screen, works with both DFS and ADFS and uses the SWR to store data. This way it is very fast and even nowadays nice to work with. It doesn't look very fancy like AMX does, with all it's icons and symbols, but it does all AMX does and can totally work from memory and SWR.

De biggest drawback (for now) is, that these programs haven't been hacked yet. So you can not load one or more ROM images into a SWR bank and run it. Hope this will happen so I can add them on this page.


Quest Paint

The ROMs you can download are the full 32k dump of the ROMs and can not be loaded into a SWR. To use it you need to create a 32k ROM yourself with the image you downloaded.

Quest Paint V1.10                  
Quest Paint manual - View format                    
Quest Paint Manual High Res.                          
Quest Paint Manaal Low Res.                          


Wapping Editor

Below the the downloads for Wapping Editor.
The ROMs you can download are dumps of the 64k ROMs. You need to create these ROMs yourself, or let someone do this for you.
Wapping Editor can be run totally as stand alone, but can use some extras from a 'Supporting ROM' This ROM was provided by W.E. on the Utility disc and can be loaded in an SWR socket or put on a real ROM.
note : If you have an Epson printer, make sure you use V1.3 of the ROM and Support ROM. These drivers are best.

Wapping Editor 1.01                    
Wapping Editor 1.21                    
Wapping Editor 1.30                  
Manual High Res.                          
Manual Low Res.